Lapacho - valuable bark for the immune system


Lapacho, also known as the "Tree of Life of the Incas", is a resplendent flowering tree at the heart of the pharmacopoeia of the Kallawayas, the famous people of itinerant Amerindian healers. These healers were responsible for the discovery of this "divine bark", which has been used for centuries for its many therapeutic virtues.

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What is lapacho?

Lapacho (Tabebuia impetiginosa), known as Pau d'Arco or Ipe roxo in Brazil, is a resplendent flowering tree that grows in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Its powerful antifungal properties make it totally immune to infections caused by the fungi of this region, and it was considered a sacred tree by the Incas.

It was discovered by the itinerant Kallawayas Indians. They used its sapwood (inner bark) in a decoction to preserve health and immunity*.

This theine-free drink can be enjoyed hot or cold. It's ideal as a cure at the change of season, to eliminate toxins and simply feel good!

How to consume lapacho?

A decoction of lapacho is the most common way to enjoy its benefits. This decoction, with its pleasant vanilla and lightly woody flavours, is best consumed at the end of the day, or during seasonal transitions.

To prepare a decoction of lapacho, simply boil a few pieces of bark (between 12 and 15g per liter) in water for 15 to 20 minutes, then leave to infuse off the heat for a further ten minutes. After filtering, this decoction can be consumed throughout the day, hot or cold.

Incorporate lapacho into your daily routine

Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, improve circulation* or simply enjoy a uniquely flavored herbal tea, lapacho is a valuable natural choice for your health. Try lapacho today and discover the benefits of this "divine bark".

The benefits of lapacho

Lapacho is renowned for its many health benefits*. This precious bark is known to strengthen the immune system, helping the body to fight infection and disease. In addition, lapacho improves blood circulation, promoting better oxygenation of cells and tissues. Its draining and antioxidant effects also contribute to the elimination of toxins, offering invaluable support during seasonal changes.

*A healthy lifestyle and a varied, balanced diet are recommended to fully benefit from the virtues of this infusion.

Recommended daily consumption: 4 cups of 25 cl.

Average nutritional information per 100 ml: Energy 3 kJ/1 kcal. This infusion contains negligible quantities of fats (including saturated fats), carbohydrates (including sugars), proteins and salt.

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