ACT for nature - Committed teas & infusions

ACT for nature

Teas & infusions that support associations committed to preserving Mother Earth Gaia, informing citizens and educating them about the environment, and making society as a whole more aware of the need to protect the planet's heritage.

0.5€ to 1€ donated to associations for each product purchased

Rooibos harvest South Africa
What is biodynamics?
heart tea

Supported associations :

  • LPO: the Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (League for the Protection of Birds) has been working to protect birds and safeguard biodiversity since 1912.
  • PCGS: the Sebitoli Chimpanzee Project works to protect wild chimpanzees and their tropical forest habitats.
  • SFEPM: the French Society for the Study and Protection of Mammals works to conserve wild mammals. Among them, the boreal lynx, France's largest feline, a species in danger of extinction.
  • Sea Shepherd France is an NGO working to protect all the species that inhabit our oceans. It fights against all threats to marine life.
  • Biodynamie Recherche promotes respect and protection of the environment through biodynamic agriculture.
  • Kokopelli has been campaigning for the liberation of seeds and against the patentability of living organisms since 1999.
  • Indigo is an NGO working in South Africa for greater social justice for rural communities and the preservation of biodiversity.

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