Des Grands Thés bio et éthiques, des voyages et des rencontres…

Arlette Rohmer, fondatrice des Jardins de Gaïa

"Summer Vibration”, an invigorating, colourful and fruity blend of black and green tea that positively sparkles

The first recipe in our Déjan’thés range, this delicious in-house blend based on a combination of organic and fair trade teas, promises an extraordinary taste experience! Voted Best Organic Product in 2021, this delicious tea is a veritable festival of flavours.

A spicy recipe in reggae colours

Created to reverberate with the green, yellow and red colours of the “Summer Vibration” reggae festival, this blend – which shares the same name – is evocative of summer festivals. It took a few attempts to get the harmony right in the current recipe which is made up of ingredients representing the three colours.

On a perfectly balanced base of black and green tea, which blends strength and sweetness, the sunny flavours of mango swap vibes with the citrus flavours of lemongrass before giving way to a spicy little finish that takes you by surprise. Whether you’re drinking the warming hot brew or the refreshing cool one, you’ll experience a particularly intense aromatic flow, which will make you want to take off for Zion, the Rastafarian paradise… Enjoy the flavours on a journey that’s so delightful  it led to « Summer Vibration » being voted « Best Organic Product 2021” by consumers.

Which launched our Déjan’thés range

This festive, colourful and flavourful recipe was the first in our Déjan’thés range, and  has since caused a sensation in the true meaning of the term. It was created for Zone 51, a charity in Sélestat which organises the Summer Vibration festival every year. The Déjan’thés recipes are dedicated to parties, festivals, music… They are for sharing with friends around a common theme: art and music in their most creative and innovative Déjan’thés way. The recipe-makers at  Les Jardins de Gaïa have appealed to all the senses to offer a range of flavours with wild and warm notes like a musical beat that goes straight to the heart!

Recipe idea:

Homemade alcohol-free cocktails on a tea base: Spicy Summer

The day before, chop an apple and an orange and place them in a 1 litre jug. In a paper or reusable stainless steel tea filter (or even a tea infuser), put 9 grams of Summer Vibration tea (about five teaspoons) and one teaspoon of Espelette pepper (or more if you prefer). Pour over 75 cL of cold water, cover and leave to brew for 24 hours at room temperature. The fruits will macerate like in a sangria. Place the jug in the fridge.

Once the drink is very cold, take out the filter and add 25cl of organic red fruit juice, then mix.

Serve in decorated glasses with ice cubes and half an orange slice.

Iced tea recipe without a kettle:

Infuse six teaspoons of Summer Vibration in a one litre carafe of cold, filtered water in the fridge, overnight. You can also infuse in cold water at room temperature. The next day, strain and drink!

You can store this homemade iced tea for two days in your fridge.

Tip: decorate your iced tea with pieces of fruit, slices of lemon or aromatic plants (mint, basil, etc.).

How to infuse Summer Vibration successfully?

First of all, make sure you heat your water to the right temperature: in this case 90°C. Prepare your tea filter: allow 2 grams per cup of 25 cL, or a heaped teaspoon. Use a porcelain,  glass or cast iron teapot. Leave to infuse for 3 minutes. Pay attention, if you leave it longer it will develop bitter flavours. Take out the tea filter to stop it infusing further, pour yourself a cup and drink it!

Tea & food pairings: this in-house recipe with summer flavours is the perfect accompaniment to our recipe for grilled aubergine with fresh goat cheese!


Do you want to tantalise your taste buds and get to the heart of the summer vibes? Visit our online store to find our “Summer Vibration” blend of green and black tea in 100 g sachets and tubes, and in 500 g and 1 kg bulk bags!

Écrit par Les Jardins de Gaïa

Pionniers sur le marché des thés et tisanes bio et équitables, Les Jardins de Gaïa proposent, depuis 1994, des grands crus nature, des classiques et des créations maison originales. Privilégiant les petits producteurs et les récoltes manuelles, ils ont développé au fil des années une gamme généreuse et variée de thés, rooibos et tisanes aux qualités gustatives reconnues, ainsi qu’une gamme d’épices bio et prémiums proposée sous la marque Terra Madre. Tel un jardin épanoui, la force des Jardins de Gaïa tient dans la diversité des terroirs et l’engagement des hommes qui la travaillent…

Notre Maison de thé
