Des Grands Thés bio et éthiques, des voyages et des rencontres…

Arlette Rohmer, fondatrice des Jardins de Gaïa

Golden latte or Lait d’Or, comforting spices in a hot drink

This pretty, golden turmeric drink is so easy to make and is guaranteed to brighten up winter days. It is one of the signature concoctions of Ayurveda – the traditional Indian medicine – and is known for its many health-giving properties and delicious, sweet flavours.

A tasty caffeine-free brew, full of spices, to liven up your daily routine

The key spice in this recipe is turmeric with its golden yellow colour! Sometimes known as « Indian saffron », turmeric is a rhizome and cousin to ginger, which has been dried and ground to a powder. Rich in beta-carotenes, vitamins and especially in curcumin (and its derivatives), its many health-giving properties include promoting digestion and stimulating the appetite. To fully reap all these benefits, you should blend turmeric with black pepper (to aid absorption) and a fatty substance (turmeric is not soluble in water); in this case coconut oil and vegetable milk. Adding other spices will enhance the blend and give it exquisite aromas.

Terra Madre spices (the organic Jardins de Gaïa spice brand), will deliver all the flavours and benefits.

An ultra-simple Golden latte recipe: delicious and indulgent for maximum taste and comfort

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Ingredients :

For the golden paste (can be prepared in advance and kept in the fridge)

Did you know? All the spices mentioned above are also available in a Demeter version, meaning they are grown using biodynamics!

For golden milk:

  • 1 teaspoon of golden paste
  • 300 ml of plant milk/ 1 mug or cup (here we used soya milk, but you can use coconut milk, almond milk)
  • 1 drop of agave syrup or honey (optional and to taste)

How to make the golden paste:

Dissolve the turmeric and spices in a small saucepan with the water and coconut oil over a low heat. Mix well, without boiling, until you get a paste. Keep in the refrigerator.

How to make golden latte:

Heat the milk in a small saucepan and mix in a teaspoon of the golden paste. Reheat for 2 minutes over a low heat.

Tip: as an extra indulgence, froth the milk using a whisk or milk frother to create a lovely smooth froth before heating.

And there you have it,  a delicious new drink which is the perfect accompaniment to some little biscuits at teatime with family or friends!


Écrit par Les Jardins de Gaïa

Pionniers sur le marché des thés et tisanes bio et équitables, Les Jardins de Gaïa proposent, depuis 1994, des grands crus nature, des classiques et des créations maison originales. Privilégiant les petits producteurs et les récoltes manuelles, ils ont développé au fil des années une gamme généreuse et variée de thés, rooibos et tisanes aux qualités gustatives reconnues, ainsi qu’une gamme d’épices bio et prémiums proposée sous la marque Terra Madre. Tel un jardin épanoui, la force des Jardins de Gaïa tient dans la diversité des terroirs et l’engagement des hommes qui la travaillent…

Notre Maison de thé
