Des Grands Thés bio et éthiques, des voyages et des rencontres…

Arlette Rohmer, fondatrice des Jardins de Gaïa

“A woman's dream”: an ever-popular white tea, with a subtle and fruity taste

Specially created for Mother’s Day, this recipe that embodies femininity right to the very last flower has quickly become an essential part of our range of organic and fair trade white teas. If you love sweet and fruity flavours, come and discover the secrets of « A woman’s dream » and fall in love with this delicious white tea that’s sure to join your list of must-haves!

When the freshness of a mango and peach duo meets the sweetness of white tea

The magic of the peach-mango combination is an immediate taste sensation as it comes into play on a delicate base of white tea – made up of whole tea leaves and buds picked from tea trees (Camellia Sinensis) and simply withered and dried. Much appreciated for its freshness, colour, fruitiness and its beautiful sprinkling of rose petals, a cup of this in-house recipe is an invitation to daydream for a comforting break that’s full of flavour.

A gourmet drink dedicated to all women in the world of tea

« A woman’s dream » is a true ode to femininity and has a special place in our range. Arlette Rohmer, founder of Les Jardins de Gaïa, has always loved to go and meet the women who work in the different tea fields every day where they make up the majority of the workforce. These women who are seeking empowerment occupy increasingly important positions in the world of tea, women such as Bhawana Rai who, after an exemplary career in business, became the first woman to run a tea garden in Darjeeling (Samabeong).

The women we meet in the tea gardens or the rooibos plantations have so many qualities, be it know-how, attention to detail or a sense of organisation. The regular income received from tea grown with organic farming and fair trade allows them to dream of a better future and actively consider other spin-off activities, with courage and imagination. Whether it be making and selling handmade baskets in Kerala in India, opening a guesthouse in Heiveld in South Africa, manufacturing rooibos-based cosmetics in Wupperthal, or even opening a home-made clothing store in Sri Lanka, initiatives are being developed everywhere by the women who work with us. These women, who make their dreams come true, continue to inspire us…

Recipe idea: make an alcohol-free cocktail with white tea

Mocktail “Spring Delight” (for a large cocktail glass):

Infuse 2 tsp of white tea « A woman’s dream » in 15cl of simmering water (80°C) for 4-5 minutes, in a porcelain teapot if you have one, and strain.

Pour the infusion into a large glass full of ice cubes to make instant iced tea. You can also prepare the iced tea the day before using cold water.

In a cocktail shaker, mix:

Pour into a glass.

Whisk a few centimetres of soya milk with guava to make a foam

Delicately pour the mousse on the cocktail. It’s ready to taste, enjoy!


Would you like to try it? Find our white tea « A woman’s dream » flavoured with mango and peach flavours in our online store in 50g sachets and tubes, and in bulk bags of 500g and 1kg!

Écrit par Les Jardins de Gaïa

Pionniers sur le marché des thés et tisanes bio et équitables, Les Jardins de Gaïa proposent, depuis 1994, des grands crus nature, des classiques et des créations maison originales. Privilégiant les petits producteurs et les récoltes manuelles, ils ont développé au fil des années une gamme généreuse et variée de thés, rooibos et tisanes aux qualités gustatives reconnues, ainsi qu’une gamme d’épices bio et prémiums proposée sous la marque Terra Madre. Tel un jardin épanoui, la force des Jardins de Gaïa tient dans la diversité des terroirs et l’engagement des hommes qui la travaillent…

Notre Maison de thé
